July ’24 Workshops | Austin

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Expanding Beyond Control  | Tues., 7/9/24

If you ever struggled with an addiction, you may have discovered: the master (underlying) addiction driving all others is that of control. It is not lack of courage that keeps us from moving forward, as most think: it’s unwillingness to lose control. Those on the other side of control live expansively, in relaxation. Their higher perspective keeps them from getting irritated or upset by things. Come learn where control is rooted within you and what are keys to gaining your freedom from this spiritual challenge.

Birthing Gratitude | Tues., 7/16/24

You’ve been told that gratitude is the necessary foundation for abundance, the precursor to receiving, but you may be discouraged at how hard it is for you to find it. Given your disappointment at how things are and have gone in your life, how do you get to a place of gratitude that doesn’t feel fake? Gratitude is not a rote prayer or practice, but a lifting of your awareness. Awareness of what? That divine Source is entirely present within and around you, at all times, with no effort on your part. Come learn practical techniques to raise your consciousness and awareness of natural gratitude, so that you can have an experience you can replicate at home. As you raise your awareness and give birth to natural gratitude, you position yourself to receive.

Intention and Manifestation | Tues., 7/23/24

Intentions are powerful energies we work with on this planet, and yet they are poorly understood. Your intention is revealed by what you do, by where you go, and by how you present yourself. It’s what powers you to move in a certain direction. It’s how you manifest your co-creatorship with Spirit. This workshop looks deeply into this misunderstood energy and how to work with it. Come experience creating intentions that are in alignment with your Higher Self, your life’s purpose, and knowing yourself as a Soul.

Spiritual Retreat in Costa Rica


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You’re Invited! Come join us on our return retreat to the pristine jungles and unspoiled Pacific beaches of Costa Rica, an ideal place to connect with the power of Earth and Spirit. The retreat blends inspirational day trips with group meditation and workshops, set in a private lodge dedicated to the retreat.

The Healing Work — The intention of this retreat is to assist you to heal emotional memories that are locked inside of you that no longer serve you. To let you be lifted by the ancient land of Costa Rica, the collective experience and support of a spiritual community who are all seeking the same and Spirit. Unconditional Loving is the foundation for this work, and this retreat is designed to unblock more of your unconditional loving toward yourself and others. The techniques that will be taught to heal childhood and other emotional memories are proven and simple, but they are not easy. Such work is best done with a guide and with others committing to the same path.

The process begins by establishing your personal dominion, acknowledging that the memory of the experience is fully yours, and accepting that the disturbance is being held and replayed by your own subconscious. Because it is yours, you and only you have the authority to release it, to heal it, to bring yourself back into balance. Fundamental to dominion is the truth that there is a greater One inside of you, your divine Soul, who is directing you. Your Soul has a purpose for this experience in your life, for how its intensity can bring you closer to understanding who you really are, and who you are not. As you open into willingness to explore the larger spiritual reasons, you will start moving toward acceptance of the memories as stepping stones on the path to your knowing yourself more as the God within that you truly are, which is what we’re here in this physical life to discover.

Find out more — For preliminary costs and itinerary details, contact Karl Fleddermann.