Dec ’23 Workshops | Dallas

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Third Eye Meditation | Fri., 12/8/23, 7:00 pm

Open your Third Eye and explore the Inner Spiritual Worlds. This form of meditation has the Intention for you to spend time with Spirit and to become more aware of the Spirit within you. Sharing afterwards, we build on our gains. Join us for this ancient form of meditation and gain the transformative power of meditating in a group.

Listening Spiritually | Sat., 12/9/23, 12:00 pm

Listening is one of the deepest, most profound forms of unconditional loving that we can bring forward. True listening to others requires presence, full attention, release of judgment, clarifying questions, reflection back, and encouragement. But just as key, we need to direct wholehearted listening toward our own being, and Spirit.

The focus of this workshop will be on developing Listening as a tool for your Inner Expansion, through all these dimensions. Come learn how to deepen and widen your ability to listen to others, your body, your breath, and the Spirit within.

Applied Kinesiology: Muscle Testing | Sat., 12/9/23, 2:00pm

This workshop will give you the experience of finding your own personal method to muscle test. Control Kinesiology Technique (CKT) is the specific type of muscle testing we will work with, for connecting you with your own flow of intuition.

Come join us to learn the gifts of muscle testing:

  • To discover for yourself the truth of the information you receive
  • To directly access your own intuition
  • To strengthen you as an intuitive and empath