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Third Eye Meditation | Fri., 8/11/23, 7:00 pm
Open your Third Eye and explore the Inner Spiritual Worlds. This form of meditation has the Intention for you to spend time with Spirit and to become more aware of the Spirit within you. Sharing afterwards, we build on our gains. Join us for this ancient form of meditation and gain the transformative power of meditating in a group.
Intention and Manifestation | Sat., 8/12/23, 12:00 pm
Intentions are one of the most powerful energies we can work with on this planet, and yet they are one of the most poorly understood. Your intention is revealed by what you do, by where you go, and by how you present yourself. It’s what powers you to move in a certain direction. It’s how you manifest your co-creatorship with Spirit.
This workshop looks deeply into this misunderstood energy and how to work with it. Come experience creating intentions that are in alignment with your Higher Self, your life’s purpose, and knowing yourself as a Soul.
From Processing to Healing | Sat., 8/12/23, 2:00pm
Every experience, including “disease”, can be a stepping stone to your greater spiritual expansion, if you can meet it with that intent. Any dis-ease, any imbalance, we carry — be it physical, mental, or emotional — expresses from our own consciousness. This is because we ultimately create, promote, or allow everything in our lives. As its creator, we have the power to heal it. And it is through the process of discovering how we created this imbalance that our healing unfolds and our consciousness lifts.
Come learn a direct way to take yourself through this process of discovery, and learn how this self-processing opens you to healing within your consciousness and body.