Third-Eye Meditation (weekly)

See the Calendar to confirm that meditation is being offered for a given week.

Click the image below for a printable flier:

Group Meditation and Training for Opening Your Spiritual Eye

Come and open your Third Eye and explore the Inner Spiritual Worlds. 

This form of meditation has the Intention for you to spend time with Spirit and to become more aware of the Spirit within you. 

Join us as we share this ancient form of meditation, and gain the transformative power of meditating in a group. 

After meditation, you will have the opportunity to share about what you experienced and to witness the variety of experiences of others, which builds your understanding and appreciation of your and others’ progress.

RSVP to Karl Fleddermann for the address of his residential office.

Couples Counseling

Click the image below for a printable flier:

Bringing Larger Spiritual Insight to Couples Work

Often when couples come to counseling with me, their focus is overwhelmingly directed at the other person, on attitudes and behaviors that are upsetting. They come in with lists of issues, the ways in which they want their partner to change, so that they can feel better.

As a Spiritual Counselor, my goal is to awaken your greater understanding of what’s at play. I have each couple focus on why and how they came together in the beginning, what was the direction they both wanted to pursue, and how to move forward with their partner, focusing on their mutually agreed-upon direction.

To explore if this approach to discovering more intimacy and clearing blocks in your relationship can help you, sign up for a FREE 30-minute session. Contact Karl Fleddermann.