
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

Clearing Pathways to Spirit is one way of consciously and intentionally getting to know yourself more as the Spiritual Being/Soul you already are.

Are you a Spiritual Being having a human experience or a human being having a spiritual experience? Most of us already have an experience(s) of knowing that there is something greater than our mind, body and emotions functioning within us.

As these pathways are cleared, you open channels within yourself to connect to the Spirit.

It is a process of going within yourself to look at yourself in a non-judgmental way, in a loving way, in an unconditionally loving way, to explore how you as a human being function, what your thoughts and feelings are and how you act and react to your life.

Most of our lives are based on beliefs we formed prior to and during our adolescence and these beliefs manifest in ways/behaviors/agreements that often do not reflect our present intentions.

The Spirit inside of us brings forward experiences so we may become aware of how we are out of alignment with present day intentions and what we can change to move closer to the Spirit within.

Anger is a great example. If you look at the last time you were angry, you will probably notice that right before you demonstrated anger your feelings were hurt. If you are not so adept at being able to identify when you feelings are hurt, most of us aren’t, then go one more step inward and see what expectations you had. Once you discover what your expectations are then you more likely will see how your feelings got hurt because the object of your anger did not act the way you wanted them to. Then you may ask yourself where did these expectations come from? As you gently look inside of yourself you begin to notice these expectations came from judgments you have and these judgments came from your beliefs. These are the beliefs that are seeking to be changed. You cannot eliminate beliefs, you can change them, and you can upgrade them as you become more aware of the beliefs that are currently not working for you. As you change and upgrade your beliefs, you create an opening inside of yourself to give and receive greater loving, this process of changing /taking things away and opening to more loving, more unconditional loving is the process of Clearing Pathways to Spirit.

There is also another route to Clearing Pathways to Spirit and that entails developing your own skills or gifts. Skills such as deepening your Intuition, your Empathy, your ability to listen, creating greater levels of acceptance in your life, creating an attitude of gratitude and becoming more willing to give and receive unconditionally loving in your life. As you develop and deepen these qualities in your life you become more accessible to the Spirit within you and the Spirit within you becomes more present in your life. It is a simple equation; the more time you have an intention to spend with the Spirit within you the more time the Spirit within you spends time with you.

As you go inside to seek awareness, inner strength and wisdom, a natural process of awakening and evolvement occurs.

As you go inside to the Spirit within, you experience the peacefulness of the Spirit.