
The idea of Self-Forgiveness seems to be contrary to common thought. Does it send you spiraling into guilt, anger, self-judgment and low self esteem? If you accept the belief we are made to the image and likeness of God, each of us has a Soul, and consider your lives from that point of view then the idea of Self-Forgiveness seems more embracing.

You are a creative being and can create positively or negatively. When you create negatively you enter into the realm of judgments and separation. It is the process of Self-Forgiveness you return to your heritage with God.

Self-Forgiveness can be as simple as saying “I forgive myself.” Then observe yourself. Has your body moved, are you calmer, do you feel “lighter” or are you getting chills. These all may be indications that something is moving or transforming inside of you. Be gentle with yourself. Try different ways of saying I forgive myself. Ask God to take the judgment away: “Father please release this from me”.

Asking God to assist you is not only a form of prayer; it is an act of responsibility. You are saying: “Father, this is bigger than me and I know You can help/assist me”. It is taking responsibility for your actions.

The result of judgment is separation. Once our consciousness forms a judgment you have forgotten that we are all one, we are all connected, we are all God. This is the purpose for Self-Forgiveness: to bring us back to the awareness of who we are.

You can try to eliminate all judgment, and it is very difficult. Judgments seem to be part of the human condition. You can work inwardly to replace the process of judging with acceptance and that will alleviate some of the judgments. You can be more aware of your judgments and use the judgments as indicators to remind yourself of who you are.

It is important to be gentle with yourself. There is no one rewarding you for being hard on yourself. Unconditional loving is always available if you turn to it and request it. Self Forgiveness leads to this unconditional loving, to reuniting with your True Self.

Relax. All is well in God’s world.

Karl Fleddermann, DSS

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