Power of Vulnerability | 2/27/2024

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Where is your safety, really?

We are programmed in this life to flee from vulnerability, which risks rejection or hurt. We believe it will open us to manipulation or exploitation, or worse: loss of control. Some of us dread how it might make us appear to others, that we might overshare or be unable to control our emotions.

Counselors may have urged you toward more vulnerability as the necessary discomfort to have better relationships, that you have to give up some safety in order to have intimacy. But this misunderstands the true power of embracing vulnerability.

What if vulnerability was the elevation, the avenue for your Soul (Spirit) to become more present inside of you and to manifest out into this world? 

Come hear more about the truth of safety. Learn ways to open to vulnerability, and through this way of being, fully embody the invulnerable spiritual essence inside of you. 

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