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Third Eye Meditation | Fri., 11/10/23, 7:00 pm
Open your Third Eye and explore the Inner Spiritual Worlds. This form of meditation has the Intention for you to spend time with Spirit and to become more aware of the Spirit within you. Sharing afterwards, we build on our gains. Join us for this ancient form of meditation and gain the transformative power of meditating in a group.
Energetic Empathy | Sat., 11/11/23, 12:00 pm
Have you been so tuned into another person that you picked up on their thoughts? Have you felt a pang of someone else’s pain within yourself, perhaps unaware of whose pain it was? This is Energetic Empathy, or “being an Empath.” Empathy is latent in all human beings, and you can develop yours.
This foundational workshop teaches acceptance and understanding of your power of Empathy. Learn techniques to deepen your Empathy and manage its impact on you. This workshop will point you toward developing other natural gifts that might be dormant: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, and Telepathy.
Realms of Spirit | Sat., 11/11/23, 2:00pm
Where do you go when you Astral project? Where are the Akashic records located? We all exist on many levels of consciousness, and you will know these levels only by experiencing them.
This workshop gives you a reference point when you have these experiences to be able to identify each level of Spirit and know the kinds of experiences and energies that come from these levels. This serves you in gaining more awareness of yourself as a Soul.