Feb ’24 Workshops | Dallas

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Learning How to See Auras | Fri., 2/16/24, 7 pm

Do you want to see Auras? We’ll practice the classic method, using the color wheel to train your eye to see colors that are not initially present. Most people are able to learn this. What the Aura colors mean goes deeper: we’ll interpret what colors can indicate in us. 

This workshop is designed as an experiential journey. It will help you to perceive Auras, interpret the meaning of each color, detect the colors of the Chakras, sense the intensity of the Light they emit, and learn how to clear energy blockages from each Chakra.

Third Eye Meditation | Sat., 2/17/24, 12 pm

Open your Third Eye and explore the Inner Spiritual Worlds. This form of meditation has the Intention for you to spend time with Spirit and to become more aware of the Spirit within you. Sharing afterwards, we build on our gains. 

Join us for this ancient form of meditation and gain the transformative power of meditating in a group.

Transmuting Emotional/Sexual Abuse | Sat., 2/17/24, 2 pm

So many of us are deeply marked by the trauma of abuse, both emotional and sexual, which can leave us blocked and separated from others by what we hold as unacceptable about our past.

Is there still a part of your experience that remains an open wound and resists all of the healing methods you’ve tried? Do you recognize in yourself the internal intention or strong desire to heal yourself from this experience? If so, please join and benefit from this class. Explore a unique approach, a Spiritual approach, for you to clear yourself and transmute this experience.